A podcast twofer AND a best dressed list? And it’s only Tuesday (so it must be Belgium)?

Thank you, Steve Fretzin, for having me as a guest on your show! Listen here… https://fretzin.com/roy-sexton-signal-boosting-reciprocation-and-acknowledging-your-social-media-community/ … Steve writes …

In this episode, Steve Fretzin and Roy Sexton discuss: Defining business development and marketing, the relationship is between the two, and how best to integrate them. Listening to the coaches you bring in until it is built and hardwired into your DNA. Getting the full value out of your content and of social media. Being engaged in the social media community.

Key Takeaways: Marketing shows you where the door is, business development helps you walk through it. The business development technique you hold near and dear is not a silver bullet. It’s what you do with it. It’s how you develop relationships and how you build a book of business. With commitment, there is growth. Business development is a learned thing – you just have to stick to the regiment. The days of being able to avoid social media are over.

“We call it a rule of three. If you’re speaking somewhere or you’ve written something, you’ve three bites at the apple on social media to promote that, at minimum. There’s the time leading up to the webinar you’re about to promote and promote that more than once.” — Roy Sexton

Thank you, Jessica Jaramillo and Vanessa Vines Petrea of The Legal Slant for having me on as a guest! This was such a fun conversation, and I am so grateful to you and your kind hearts for all you do for our community! Listen now at http://thelegalslant.com/season-1/?fbclid=IwAR0kmebGUSSlOkH8gek6CZg-leamKOKP7RK9q2rKXbJQ4Wi8LQ70yzMxvM4 … They write …

We had so much fun getting to know Roy Sexton! Legal marketer, thought leader, community leader, writer, actor and singer Roy Sexton talks to us about personal branding, standing out on social media, and thriving through authenticity.

Roy also shares why he prioritizes having creative outlets outside of work. We completely agree!

He credits his success to so many legal marketers we admire such as Nancy Leyes Myrland, Heather Morse-Geller, Renee Branson, Gail Porter Lamarche, Gina Furia Rubel, Lindsay Griffiths, Laura Toledo, and Brenda Plowman. Plus, shout outs to Susie Sexton and Beth Kennedy.

Also, Roy and Jennifer Petrone Dezso need to be friends since they both love Sweeney Todd!

Best dressed?! Only in quarantine! Thank you, ALM Media, LLCs Amy Newman, who emailed and made my day:

I’m delighted to tell you we decided you are our winner of our Best Selfie/Best Dressed competition from Friday’s event [Legal Week #LegalInnovationAwards virtual ceremony]! Not only did you send in a great photo, your activity and involvement throughout the announcement was greatly appreciated!

My pleasure! First (and likely last) time I’ll ever make such a list! 🥰 🤵

2 thoughts on “A podcast twofer AND a best dressed list? And it’s only Tuesday (so it must be Belgium)?

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