Legal Marketing Association Gratitude … #lmamkt #lma23

Heartwarming weekend reading. Love this piece on gratitude assembled by our Legal Marketing Association – LMA International DEI volunteer leaders. It’s a beautiful, inspiring read:

Love your contributions here, David Ackert, Holly L. Barocio, Ashley Holloway Black, Terra Davis, Tahisha Fugate, Sebastian Gomez, Kevin Iredell, Rafeedah Keys, Tasneem K. Khokha, Ashraf Lakhani, Trish Desilets Lilley, Elissa Meno, David Meyer, Sonali Oberg, Ariel Rivera, Sarah Ryan , Deborah Scaringi, Danielle Smith, Linsey Tolman, Michelle Turner, and Calie Valore. Beautiful souls, beautiful messages all.

My contribution: “I’m grateful for so many things this year. The opportunities that have been placed before me, the friendships that have supported me, the hard work of the volunteers in our LMA family who consistently go above and beyond, our HQ support team who work long hours behind the scenes to make everything happen. But most of all, I am thankful for my husband. This is a big lift to ask of anyone and he has been incredibly supportive the entire year when work and volunteer activities have taken me away from him and our two rescue dogs. He has cheered me on, and has been so enthusiastic as I’ve done one wacky thing after another, and has consistently been in my corner. I am so very grateful for that.”

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