Quick cut: Animal Crackers (Pentimenti)

Animal Crackers

[Image Source: IMDB]

Animal Crackers (Pentimenti) is a short film by the talented director Tyler A. Chase and is currently running the festival circuit. It is beautifully done and so compelling. Lead Krista Blomberg is a dynamo. 

Blomberg, as a potentially murderous parent with seemingly noble intentions, does a marvelous job keeping the viewer off-kilter yet engaged, as we hope to better understand her motivations. She is so committed that she inspires both sympathy and revulsion. Clever edits abound, and great use of symbolism throughout (e.g. bicycles as a metaphor for escape; bird perched on barbed wire, etc.). Chase is a talent worth following.

You can find out more about this remarkable film and where it is playing next at http://www.animalcrackers-pentimenti-film.com

About the film…

Recent Winner of Award of Merit from Best Short Films Competition
A Short Film That You Will Never Forget
IMDB SITE: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2361986/
Directed/Produced by Tyler A. Chase
Executive Producer: Lisette Cevallos
Adapted by Tyler A. Chase from a Short Story,
“Her Rite” by Krista Blomberg
A Chase/Blomberg/Cevallos Collaboration and
A  L’ORAGE Production

There is no doubt that Sylvie (Krista Blomberg) adores Little Amanda (Alexis Weil) as she spends time with her and they prepare for Amanda’s bath, but who is Sylvie? Is she an ex wife, a babysitter or Amanda’s mother? Sylvie discovers what appears to be bruises on Amanda and she attempts to get answers from the two year old.  What happens that evening is never clear. Ten years later Sylvie is a changed woman and is dealing with life altering events and a nemesis, Mr. James (Jurgen Jones) … but is Sylvie’s reality one of her making or one of circumstance? ANIMAL CRACKERS (Pentimenti) is a mind bending drama with many layers, delving deep into the complex psyche of Sylvie
with a tour de force performance by Krista Blomberg .