June 9: Technology-Driven Marketing Strategy is the Key to Success in a Post-Covid Market

** #UIAMidyear2021 Programme **
Technology Day (LexisNexis)
• Day 3 – Technology-Driven Marketing Strategy is the Key to Success in a Post-Covid Market
=> June 9, 6.00pm – 7.00pm CEST (12-1 pm ET)

Register: http://bit.ly/UIAMidyear21

Experts agree that it is important to maintain – or even increase – marketing investments during economic crises, but law firm marketing professionals must make some difficult choices about which specific tactics to prioritize. With precious dollars to spend and the internal pressure amped up to drive new business opportunities, marketers need to zero in on the types of initiatives that will move the needle in the short-term without neglecting long-term brand health. Learn how top legal marketing experts recovered from previous economic crises. We will also discuss how to apply these tactics for your firm, plus more tips, strategies, and statistics by top experts – and how they have reached success again, stronger than ever.

• Nadine Leighton, Head of Marketing, EMEA and APAC, LexisNexis
• Roy Sexton, Director of Marketing, Clark Hill Law, Detroit, MI, United States