The Night Before Christmas with Pass The Time Players and yours truly

The Night Before Christmas read by yours truly – watch video here: … You’re welcome, America! 🎅🤣🎁 Thank you, Debbie DeCeco Lannen and Pass The Time Players, for having me!

Well, after nine months I finally wore a tie again. And jacket! For our Clark Hill town hall yesterday, I was honored to be asked to emcee a section on gratitude. We have so many wonderful people in our organization and they all contributed their thoughts, some written and some in video for the occasion.

Link to the video that we aired as part of the segment – thank you to my colleague Gloria Pak for her expert work on this:

“Thank you for being a friend.” Want to join me in supporting a good cause? For my birthday this month (December 28 to be exact!), I’m raising money for Ronald McDonald House Charities Ann Arbor and your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate $5 or $500. Just click donate on this fundraising page:

I’m a proud board member and have seen firsthand how every little bit helps. This little fundraiser is nearing the $2500 mark because of wonderful support from kind and generous friends like you!

Thanks to our donors since the last musical interlude: Mary Kimber, Guinevere Lehman Anderson, Gail Paul, Jan Anne Dubin, Tammy L. Zonker, Nathan Darling, Lauren Sargent, Zach London, Lauren M. London, Deborah Farone, Kim Perret, Randi Lou Franklin, Megan Hill. Love you! ❤️ … Thank you for your support.

“Thank you for being a friend.” Golden Girls