“Umbrellas can be dangerous.” Little 1980s Roy and the Indiana State Police share (whimsical) public safety tips

The other day, I posted an article my cousin Krisan Gregson found about my misspent youth, and the strange, wonderful creative endeavors in which I was involved. In that article there was a mention about Indiana State Police public service announcements I had filmed. One of my intrepid Facebook friends Melanie Hughes Davis managed to find them on YouTube. Here they are in all of their grainy glory.

I remember feeling quite special at the time, even though kids at school then made hideous fun of me. Story of my life. 😅🫠 But Sergeant Rod Mitchell was a truly lovely, deeply kind, amazing human being. I felt like he was a real life superhero. One of my earliest memories of good people doing good things.

Admittedly, I did a dodgy screen capture from YouTube using my iPhone here. Forgive my poor cinematography skills. But if you want to know how to stay safe in winter weather, or how to cross the street, have I got a deal for you. Lol.

2 thoughts on ““Umbrellas can be dangerous.” Little 1980s Roy and the Indiana State Police share (whimsical) public safety tips

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