Tara Alexandra Kachaturoff and I chat about all things legal marketing on the Michigan Entrepreneur tv show … #lmamkt

Thank you, Tara Alexandra Kachaturoff for having me on Michigan Entrepreneur as your guest. You can watch the recording here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5RuJFyMXkE

We speak at length about Clark Hill Law, Legal Marketing Association – LMA International, legal marketing , social media , digital marketing , lawyers, thought leadership, media relations, podcasts, technology, and trends.

Shout outs abound, including Wabash College, Deloitte, The Ohio State University, UM-Flint School of Management, Trott Law, Kerr Russell, Beaumont Health, JD Supra, Tanner Friedman, Mary Zatina, Susan Ahern, Megan McKeon, Alex France, Joel Epstein, Dave Trott, Robert Hoban, Sander Zagzebski, and …. cannabis.

Thank you to Carrie LeZotte and Steve Rota as well for their exceptional work on the production of this show.

Special thank you to Tanner Friedman’s Joel Epstein for arranging this fun opportunity. Joel, you are such a rock star and we all love working with you and are grateful for your hustle and your heart. Tara and I are both in the Joel fan club for sure!