#KeepingFamiliesClose … Thank you, Ronald McDonald House Charities Ann Arbor for allowing me six wonderful years of board service!

#KeepingFamiliesClose … Thank you, Ronald McDonald House Charities Ann Arbor CEO (and dear friend!) Kim Kelly for tapping me on the shoulder six years ago (tempus fugit!) to serve on this incredible board and to support this beautiful mission. I was deeply honored then … as I am now on my last day of board service. 🥹 Term limits, people!

I’ve learned and grown so much from this experience, one I will treasure all my days. It was a privilege to serve alongside such brilliant, caring, vibrant community members. And to work with such a marvelous and creative operational team. Too many to list here – plus, I’m sure they’ll be glad to never be tagged again in a million posts from me! But the growth and evolution has been remarkable and heartening to witness.

And special shout outs to the two incredible board presidents under whom I was honored to serve: Loree Collett (now emeritus – boo yah!) and John Zdanowski. I studied and observed everything you did and learned so much from you. Thank you for “seeing” me and for your grace, enthusiasm, kindness over all my ideas – be they big, small, terrible, indulgent, or just plain silly. And to incoming prez Mayuri Guntupalli, you are such a bright light with such deep insight and thoughtfulness. Can’t wait to cheer you and Kim and the board and the team on from the cheap seats! Go get ‘em!