#keepingfamiliesclose – Let’s go $5K for the FIFTH year of my birthday fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Ann Arbor

LINK TO 2021 FUNDRAISING PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/donate/674960266804808/?fundraiser_source=external_url

Want to join me in supporting a good cause? From now until my birthday on December 28, I’m raising money for Ronald McDonald House Charities Ann Arbor and your contribution will make an impact, whether you donate $5 or $500. Every little bit helps. This will be my fifth year of doing this birthday fundraiser for RMHCAA. Last year you helped us raise over $4000. Shall we go $5K for year 5? I think we can! I’m honored to be an RHMCAA board member but I’m even more honored to help support this incredible mission.

The mission of the Ann Arbor Ronald McDonald Houses is to provide families of children experiencing a serious illness or injury requiring hospitalization or treatment on an outpatient basis, a “home away from home” that assists in alleviating the families’ emotional and financial stress.

Facebook pays all the processing fees for you, so 100% of your donation goes directly to the nonprofit.


5 thoughts on “#keepingfamiliesclose – Let’s go $5K for the FIFTH year of my birthday fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House Charities of Ann Arbor

  1. Thank you, Roy! I’m forwarding this to Eric, so we can donate. Eric still has a very neglected Facebook account. Our son Adam is required to do a capstone project that is service-oriented as part of his graduation requirements, and he is planning to actively support RMHCAA for it. So we are super excited to support your fundraiser!

    Hope you and John are doing well and staying healthy. I know the last year has been blow after blow for you (let’s be real…the last TWO years have SUCKED). But you never cease to bring a smile to my face and light to my life. So I thank you for always being a source of joy and light.

    Love, Becca (and Eric…who is sitting right next to me)

    On Tue, Nov 30, 2021 at 9:15 PM Reel Roy Reviews wrote:

    > Roy Sexton (Reel Roy Reviews) posted: ” LINK TO 2021 FUNDRAISING PAGE: > https://www.facebook.com/donate/674960266804808/?fundraiser_source=external_url > Want to join me in supporting a good cause? From now until my birthday on > December 28, I’m raising money for Ronald McDonald House Chari” >

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