#LMA23 September message: “camaraderie, education, mentorship, strategic thinking and a healthy dose of glitter!”

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Y’all have heard enough from me this year! I’m a menace on social media, I know. So, this month I asked a cohort of LMA leaders and friends to answer this question: “What LMA accomplishment/experience has meant the most to you this year so far?” 

Here are the responses — I hope you smile as much as I did while reading these. 

Mid-Year Membership Inspiration

This is a remarkable community and that’s because of YOU!  (And, yes, here’s another playlist, this time focused on the amazing women in music who have long energized my soul. Women who inspire, challenge, slay, shine…on Apple and Spotify. Enjoy!)

The opportunity to co-chair the CMO Summit at the annual conference with Justin Portaz and Brie Leung was the highlight of my LMA year. We welcomed more than 50 first-chair professionals for a day-long session that focused not only on the business aspects of our roles, but also covered leadership and wellness — areas that affect our entire team. … Thanks again for the opportunity to take on that important role for our organization and your conference.” —Ashraf Lakhani

Roy, this year, I’ve been deeply impressed by (and thankful for) the way our board and conference committee have been united in our vision of holding a top-notch regional conference in Nashville this November!” —Laura Hudson 

Taking on a leadership role with LMA fosters new networking relationships, as well as rekindles old ones. LMA creates community, and I cherish our community!” —Walter McCorkle

Everyone always says their favorite thing about LMA is the people and I couldn’t agree more. It feels like this has been the year of meaningful connections! As we come out of the pandemic, I’ve seen our members show up for each other like never before, whether it’s lending a hand professionally or forming new friendships. Here at LMA Midwest, it’s been amazing to see our content calendar filled to the brim and I can’t wait to bring our #MidwestMojo to Chicago for our Regional Conference in October! … P.S. Thank you for encouraging all of us to be ourselves — LMA has felt like a more welcoming place with you at the helm!” —Lauren McNee

All of the conversations started around the globe about the need and want for LMA education, networking, membership and overall involvement on four new continents where we don’t even have a region in yet (Africa, Australia, Asia and South America). And most of these conversations were started because individuals either heard about LMA or joined and received such amazing benefits that they want to share the wealth and knowledge! The fact that nonmembers are reaching out to us, directly asking for LMA to expand within their regions on the other side of the world, is amazing. 😊” —Ashley Stenger

I have really enjoyed being the board liaison for the LMA Southeast (LMASE) Conference Committee this year. This group of volunteers has really taken ownership of the event and I can’t wait to see it come to fruition!” —Raven Hicks

“The 2023 annual event unquestionably stood out as the highlight of my year. It was invaluable, from the in-person connections to the exceptional quality of the sessions — not to mention the remarkable location. It was an experience that truly encapsulated everything I value in LMA, wrapped up in a year-defining occasion.” —Beth Cuzzone

I joined Constangy as the CMO in August of 2022. Since then, we’ve built out a fantastic team here, a true dream team. All of the new team members we’ve hired since I joined have been through a referral via LMA connections. I could not be more grateful to work with amazing colleagues, sent to us straight through LMA friends!” —Jennifer Scotton

Having joined a new firm this year, I was delighted to open up LMA membership to our team members. It’s been really gratifying to watch them dive into their LMA experiences in all sorts of ways — some have assumed leadership roles at local and national levels; others are devouring all of the AI info and insights conversations. Still others have become active participants on LMA Connect. While their experiences are unique, they are all finding value and community within the organization. Best I could hope for!” —Trish Lilley

A personal highlight was helping to shape an annual conference that I believe reflected the best of LMA — camaraderie, education, mentorship, strategic thinking and a healthy dose of glitter — and now using that experience to go all in for another world-class event in 2024!” —Amber Bollman

I am counting down the days until I get to see my LMA friends again at the LMASE Regional Conference in Nashville this November. As a young legal marketer, experiencing LMA conferences is what first inspired me into getting involved in [the association].” —Danielle Smith 

This year we made a change to the Plaintiff Firm Shared Interest Group (SIG) and updated the name [Business to Consumer Practices SIG] to be more inclusive of all consumer practices. This includes practices like personal injury, trusts and estates, family law, employment etc. Our intention was to bring more people together who need to focus their efforts not only on business development, but also marketing to many audiences through social, intake, advertising, digital and content. It is my hope that we can continue to grow the SIG and support more law firms.” —Sarah Ryan

While my time on the international board has certainly included numerous accomplishments and victories, I think the biggest one that I would focus on is our transition back to normal, or whatever normal is, with in-person education and networking events. Those events have always been the lifeblood of the association and it’s great to have them back!” —Andy Laver

It’s been especially wonderful to see so many new faces at LMA programs this year. We are inspiring the next generation of marketing leaders and elevating our association’s credibility in the process.” —Jacob Eidinger

Having coffee with Caitlin Balsimo, market development specialist at K&L Gates, was my LMA highlight of the year. After numerous Zoom calls and emails since we were matched up as mentor-mentee in January of 2020, we met face-to-face when she was in Minneapolis this summer!” —Sally Schmidt

Incredible collaboration! I’ve been truly wowed at how many of our members and LMA leaders have locked arms to collaborate and lead thoughtful and inspiring conversations. It has been some of the best content and thought leadership I’ve ever seen!” —Julie Holton

Involvement in LMA this past year reminded me that those of us in legal marketing are part of a supportive community that cares for and lends a hand to one another. This camaraderie certainly shone through at the LMA 2023 Annual Conference, in terms of the in-between-the-sessions conversations that took place. (Questions arose between members such as ‘How do you deal with a difficult work situation?’ or ‘How do you multi-task when you are too tired to do it?’) Yet this was also clearly shown at our recent New York Summer Soiree, as so many members of the LMA Northeast (LMANE) community were so authentically joyful when they connected.” —Deborah Farone

Working with my co-chairs Alé Simmons and Susan Slifer to plan the LMA QuickStart® pre-con in Hollywood, FL, and visiting the Michigan Local Steering Committee for a walking tour of Detroit!” —Jason Klika

This is my third year participating as a mentor in the Southwest Region’s LMANext Program. I love sharing my perspective with my mentees and learning new nuggets of wisdom from the program’s facilitator, Holly Barocio.” —Ashley Black

“Helping program content for the Chicago Local Steering Committee has been a wonderful source of learning and connection for me in ’23. … Along with many LMA 2023 Annual Conference Advisory Committee moments, working with my local [group] has definitely made me feel more at home professionally in Chicago.” — Joseph Edmonds

“My experience serving as a mentor during the LMA 2023 Annual Conference meant so much to me. I loved getting to know Rachel Klopp and Michelle Hernandez and sharing thoughts and ideas on how best to maximize time during the conference — and then enjoying being together to partake in all of the fun and education it had to offer!” —Jessica Haarsgaard

“What has made this year great for me: We continue to grow as an organization — in numbers with increased membership and in resources provided to our members. At a time when other associations are contracting, we continue to meet the moment and build for the future. We have continued a pattern of carrying forward goals from previous years, building upon them in a smart, measured approach. [This] has allowed us to maintain focus and keep resources allocated to areas critical for the advancement of the organization. What I am most looking forward to: The recommendations from the multiple working groups that will shape a comprehensive LMA events and education strategy. This will result in a number of benefits, including streamlining the delivery of related services (reducing burden from volunteer leaders), further mitigating risk and reduce exposure on large-scale events, and providing an even more consistent member and volunteer experience across the organization.” —Amy Verhulst

So far this year, I’m most proud of beginning the work to reinvigorate active volunteer leadership coming out of the past few years. I’m incredibly excited for my year as president of the LMANE board and looking forward to working with the talented legal marketing professionals in the northeast!” —Robyn Addis

Roy, the trust that you and the team placed in Ashraf, Brie and me to create something for the CMOs at #LMA23 was valuable and special. What I hope was achieved in that setting would be reflected in the following: Working with trusted friends and peers (Ashraf Lakhani and Brie Leung) to create space where authentic leadership and humanity can flourish, or at least bubble up to the surface, in a supportive environment to further permeate our industry and elevate our people. … Thanks for your incredible and joyful leadership. It matters, a lot.” —Justin Portaz

“Working with Bobbie Conklin to develop a new PreCon track on career development was by far the greatest highlight for me. Not only did I get to work with and learn from a brilliant legal marketer, I met a dear friend along the way.”EJ Stern

“I joined the law industry this year as a Marketing Director and the LMA single handedly got me through. Not one week went by where I didn’t learn something or get a question answered or supported by one of your members. I seriously can’t join other communications based organizations at this point because none of them offer what you do. Thank you for making this a solid experience that has really encouraged me to choose law marketing as a career. Very grateful for all you do. … I mean it. I am so impressed and grateful. One of the most informative memberships out there.” —Jen Roy

“I became an LMA member in 1992. When I moved to law after 10 years with the Big Four I was in a bit of culture shock, and my LMA colleagues gave me comfort and support that I wasn’t alone (or crazy) in some of the ‘differences’ I was experiencing. My LMA colleagues gave me long lasting friendships, they freely shared their wisdom, ideas, and creativity and were critical to my successes as a legal marketer. I am forever grateful!” Kathleen Flynn

What has made LMA great for me in 2023? I had the honor to co-chair the PR and communications pre-conference session at the LMA 2023 Annual Conference in Hollywood, FL, in the spring. I found great joy and satisfaction in bringing together communications professionals from around the United States for insightful and meaningful conversations around the most pressing issues confronting our roles and responsibilities in leading law firm communication programs. I am grateful I get to contribute to a dynamic organization and collaborate with people I like and trust.” —Cheryl Bame 

This year, I was very excited to see that the LMA has made significant steps forward in celebrating diversity and adding even more diverse professionals to its leadership ranks!” —Dave Poston

Roy, is it too much to say that your opening number at #LMA23 gave me LIFE?!?” —Laura Gassner Otting

And then I got this one: “LMA has a long way to go to get positive reactions from my team.” —Dave Bruns

I debated about including that last one, but you know what? All feedback is important feedback. I appreciate Dave and his candor. He cares. And that’s a wonderful thing. 

I’ve been grateful for the opportunity this year to lead, and we welcome thoughts — good, bad, indifferent — about how we can continue to help LMA thrive and grow.

Don’t hesitate to reach out with any specificity that will enable actionable change.

Thank you to our leaders and volunteers who bring positivity, grace and hard work to this community. You are appreciated and loved. This community is only what we choose to make it, and you have made it grand indeed!

Love you,

Roy Sexton Signature_2


President, 2023 LMA International Board of Directors

Roy E. Sexton
Director of Marketing
Clark Hill


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“I think I have naturally gravitated toward communities where I knew I could feel comfortable, or found ways to carve that out for myself.” Passle’s CMO Series Represents … #pride, #allyship, and #LMA23

Oh, thank you, Yasmin Zand and Charlotte Knight and Passle, for this lovely opportunity to discuss #LMA23, my professional and personal journey as a member of the lgbtq community, and what authentic allyship can (and should) be.

Listen here: https://blog.passle.net/post/102igso/cmo-series-represents-born-this-way-roy-sexton-of-clark-hill-on-inclusion-com

Very grateful for you, for this series, and for what you provide our community and legal industry so generously.

Shout outs and thanks to friends, colleagues, and allies, all mentioned (or alluded to!) in the show: Laura Gassner Otting, Athena Dion, Lisa McDonald Kamen, Diana Lauritson, Megan McKeon, Lee Ashby Watts, Jennifer Petrone Dezso, Holly Amatangelo, Kaitlin Heininger, Danielle Holland, Jennifer Weigand, Ellie Hurley, Ashley Stenger, James Fisher, Nancy Leyes Myrland, Gina Furia Rubel, Laura Toledo, Gail Porter Lamarche, Heather Morse-Geller, Lindsay Griffiths, Amber Bollman, Mike Mellor, Ruth Morayniss, Arthur Uratani, Tahisha Fugate, Susan Ahern, Mary Ann Hastings Stephens, Jon Brewer, Joseph Edmonds, Cheryl Bame, Don Sexton, Susie Sexton, John Mola, and more.

Episode description: On this episode of CMO Series REPRESENTS, Yasmin Zand is lucky enough to sit down with Roy Sexton, Director of Marketing at Clark Hill Law and 2023 Legal Marketing Association – LMA International President, to discuss his journey both inside and outside of the legal marketing industry.

Roy shares how his formative experiences as a gay man have impacted his approach to leadership and why finding safe and inclusive communities that allow him to be his authentic self has become so central in his career.

The conversation delves into Roy’s childhood, passions, and why his headline performance at the 2023 LMA Annual Conference in Florida was so poignant in support of the LGBTQ+ community in that moment.

“Be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” Legal Marketing Association AMPLIFIES at Leaders’ Conference AND #LMA23 … #lmamkt

One of the great joys this year as Legal Marketing Association – LMA International prez-elect is being able to work with existing and incoming leaders to chart our path next year and beyond. One of our annual “rites of passage” is a two day (virtual for now) Leaders’ Conference where we convene leaders across our regions, committees, special interest groups, international board and more to connect and collaborate. Truth be told, I feel in my bones EVERYONE in LMA is a leader, and I don’t want anyone to feel left out. Got that trait from my mama!

The attendees get a small token of our gratitude for their volunteer hours and a note accompanies. Given that I think (and hope) these words may resonate more broadly, I’m sharing them here as well …

“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” — Edith Wharton

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.” — Mother Teresa

Legacy isn’t what we accomplish in this brief moment (when we are honored to carry important titles), but rather it is what we inspire in those who follow us. Our collective calling, as change agents and as growth purveyors, is in elevating our profession overall, rising above the ephemeral and stretching beyond together. We have a unique privilege to ensure success for our next generation. THAT is the moment of amplification before us. Thank you for your service, for your hearts, for your hard work, and for your generosity of time and of spirit. You make a difference in this incredible LMA community.

Oh, and here’s a box of cool stuff to say thank you for being you, to help you amplify YOUR voice AND the voices of others, and to have a laugh (and think) or two.

Love you and grateful for you. Roy

P.S. We’ve also included a book from one of your fellow LMA members – and one of our Leaders Conference speakers – Jay Harrington. This book serves a “meta” purpose. There is great guidance in there around amplifying one’s brand and voice. These tips should prove helpful to you on your leadership journey AND as counsel you can take back to any attorneys you support on their respective growth paths. As our friend and colleague Terry Isner reminds us, “Put your oxygen mask on first so you can better help others with theirs.”

P.P.S. Thank you in advance to our two keynote presenters Jay Harrington and Alycia Sutor; our workshop facilitators from Second City Works including Kat Barker; our Annual Conference chairs Megan McKeon, Lee Watts, Jennifer Petrone Dezso; our many breakout and reflection leaders over the next two days; and our marvelous HQ team Danielle Gorash Holland, Holly Amatangelo, Morgan Frohling, Jennifer Weigand, Lisa M. Kamen. And to Emily Hillman and Kelly MacKinnon for these pics!

The 2023 Annual Conference Advisory Committee (ACAC) is excited to share that the #LMA23 education program is now available! Capitalize your 2022 budgets and use this educational programming experience to justify your attendance. Explore the full 2023 education program today: https://bit.ly/3itjRJJ

It’s ALIVE! Check out our just launched #LMA23 AMPLIFY agenda! This represents hundreds of hours of work from our amazing Legal Marketing Association – LMA International volunteers and HQ team and all of our presenters. So excited! I love what Annual Conference Advisory Committee (ACAC) member Mike Mellor said about this process, “I’ve been so honored to have been a part of the ACAC of this year’s LMA! We are bringing new voices and building frameworks for a more inclusive and richer experience in Florida, and we will all benefit from the vast array of perspectives from all around the world. We hope that everyone will raise their hands and participate this year – challenging the status quo is the best way to drive the industry forward!”

Special thank you to our co-chairs Lee Watts, Jennifer Petrone Dezso, and Megan McKeon and to our HQ team Holly Amatangelo, Kaitlin Heininger, Lisa M. Kamen, CAE, Danielle Gorash Holland, Ellie Hurley, Sarah Logan. And to our fab ACAC crew Amber Bollman, Jon Brewer, Joseph Edmonds, Tahisha Fugate, Mike Mellor, Ruth E. Morayniss, Gail Porter Lamarche, and Arthur Uratani. AND our wonderful pre-con session chairs Ashraf Lakhani, Brianna Leung, Justin Portaz, Jason Klika, Alé Simmons, Susan Slifer, Julie Hollander Eichelbaum, Christine Mitchell Harris, Bobbie Conklin, EJ Stern Bearman, Cheryl Bame, and Michael Blachly. I am in AWE of these amazing humans!

Catnip cocktails, Robert Mitchum and authentic humanity: today’s Legal Marketing Coffee Talk with Jaffe’s Greg Griffin

FACEBOOK VIDEO: https://fb.watch/5kniObvbzj/

YOUTUBE: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qy70GlQjrco&feature=youtu.be

Rob Kates and I had a delightful chat with superstar Greg Griffin of Jaffe. Rob and I also learned our mothers have the same birthday, and we heard from my mom Susie Sexton that apparently Robert Mitchum has been paying her nightly visits. 😳

Greg shared with us the joys of his new role at Jaffe, the importance of authenticity and listening in effective business development, his commitment to volunteering and fitness, and how he gave the Houston mayor a catnip (nee mint) mojito. Missed opportunity: he didn’t bring his adorable pup on camera!

Learn more about Greg and read the Houston Chronicle feature about him (and referenced in today’s show) here: https://www.jaffepr.com/our-team/greg-griffin

Show mentions include: Terry M Isner , Vivian Hood , Melanie Trudeau , Evyan O’Keefe , Amy Verhulst , Gigi Zientek , Jenna Schiappacasse , Heather Morse , Megan McKeon , Nancy Myrland , Gina Furia Rubel (she/her) 🌏 , Laura Toledo , Lindsay Griffiths , Gail Lamarche , Deborah Brightman Farone , Sally Schmidt , Clayton Dodds , Cheryl Bame , Robin Devereux Gerard , Andrew Laver , Tahisha Fugate, MBA [she/her] , Jessica Aries (she/her/hers) , Stacy Monohan Payne, Tom Hanks, Denzel Washington, and Howard the Duck. 🦆

I adore my Clark Hill colleague Emilie Strozier McCarthy. She always knows exactly what I need to hear and/or see … and this image is no exception. I am so happy that serendipity brought us together. She has made me a better human being and professional. We will be friends for life.

My mom is amazing. That is all. #BigReadDearborn

My mom Susie Duncan Sexton‘s essay “WAIT! PRIOR TO TOSSING ME INTO A WEATHERED HATBOX…READ ME FIRST” will be published in the latest Henry Ford Centennial Library “Big Read” anthology “What’s in a Name?” Event is this Saturday to celebrate its publication.

Hope you can attend the Wrap-Up on Saturday, April 28, 2 p.m. at Henry Ford Centennial Library, 16301 Michigan Ave., Dearborn. Free and open to the public.

Multimedia musical performance, sweet treats, prizes, and author readings! More info: https://bigreaddearborn.org/2018/04/27/big-read-wrap-up-sat-apr-28-2-p-m-at-hfcl/

Thanks, Introhive, for the shout out here … proud to be in the company of such esteemed peers as Helena Lawrence, Gina Furia Rubel, Susan C. Freeman, Rebecca Condron Wissler, The National Law Review, Kathryn Whitaker, Timothy Corcoran, Cheryl Bame, Stefanie Knapp, Meghan Spradling, Heather Morse-Geller Stefanie Marrone, Alex Woodley, and Jennifer Petrone Dezso.

This year’s Legal Marketing Association – LMA International Conference in New Orleans saw some of best legal marketing professionals come together to network, discover new technologies, learn leading business development strategies, and stay informed of what’s happening in the industry. As a result, the 2018 LMA Annual Conference had several key takeaways for legal marketers and business development professionals alike.

With sessions ranging from social media to competitive intelligence, there was a lot of ground being covered at LMA. To help summarize some of the conference highlights, we put together a detailed infographic covering the key takeaways that stood out to us the most. If you missed out on LMA this year, or simply want a refresher on what was covered, check it out here: https://www.introhive.com/resources/infographic-7-key-takeaways-from-the-2018-lma-annual-conference/


Reel Roy Reviews is now TWO books! You can purchase your copies by clicking here (print and digital).

In addition to online ordering at Amazon or from the publisher Open Books, the first book is currently is being carried by BookboundCommon Language Bookstore, and Crazy Wisdom Bookstore and Tea Room in Ann Arbor, Michigan and by Green Brain Comics in Dearborn, Michigan.

My mom Susie Duncan Sexton’s Secrets of an Old Typewriter series is also available on Amazon and at Bookbound and Common Language